Tuition Rates & Payment Options
The cost of educating a student at Vicksburg Catholic School is accomplished through tuition payments, parish support, major fund-raising events and donations. Vital to the vision of a Catholic school is the sound stewardship of the resources received from parents and benefactors. Vicksburg Catholic School strives to allocate and manage every dollar in a way that assures the viability of the school while bringing the maximum benefits to the student.
Financial aid is offered to families in need. Applications must be completed online through FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment. See "Making Vicksburg Catholic School Affordable" on the link below for details:
Vicksburg Catholic School co-sources with FACTS to manage tuition and fee collections (other than application fees). Financial parties have convenient online access and 24/7 telephone support to help manage their payments. See the information below for further details.
Families needing a receipt of payments for their tax returns or other accounting can find a "Payment Summary" report in their FACTS account:
Select "View Details" on the landing page next to Payment Plan & Billing then click "View Payment Summary." It can be printed for any specified date range by using the filters. Each payment summary is compiled by student, term, subaccount, and includes our school’s Federal Tax ID number.
If you have any further questions, contact FACTS customer service at 866‐441‐4637.